Aminet 1 (Walnut Creek)
Aminet - June 1993 [Walnut Creek].iso
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Assembly Source File
966 lines
* Program: IOpatch.asm - ©1990 by Dan Babcock
* Function: This program patches the exec OpenDevice call, and allows the
* user to select a serial or parallel unit.
* Author: Dan Babcock
* History: 02/07/90 DB V0.50 Created
* 09/22/90 DB V0.51 Added code to prevent redundant requesters
* in certain cases.
* 12/10/90 JL V0.52 Added code to parse the command line, and
* allow various arguments (outlined below).
* 01/12/91 DB V0.53 Misc. enhancements
* [To all: Please don't forget to bump the revision numbers if you do *any*
* modifications at all. -Jeff]
* Program: SelectWindow - ©1990 by The Puzzle Factory
* Function: Get the users preference for which unit to open.
* Author: Jeff Lavin
* History: 01/29/90 JL V0.50 Created
* 02/07/90 DB V0.51 Modified to include an "Internal" gadget.
* 08/22/90 JL V0.52 Added borders to the gadgets.
* Converted to Macro68 & new syntax.
* 09/12/90 JL V0.53 Dynamically size everything now.
* 09/26/90 JL V0.54 Fixed lores display problem.
* 11/16/90 JL V0.55 Rearrainged gadgets; Gadget 0 is now full width.
* [To all: Please don't forget to bump the revision numbers if you do *any*
* modifications at all. -Jeff]
* IOpatch - This program patches the exec OpenDevice call. The user
* puts this program in his startup-sequence or whereever before he runs
* his terminal progs, BBS's and whatnot - if these do not permit the
* user to change the device/unit info. If they do, this utility is not
* needed, obviously.
* 1> IOpatch ;Check OpenDevice() calls for serial & parallel device
* 1> IOpatch -a ;Check OpenDevice() calls for serial & parallel device
* 1> IOpatch -s ;Check OpenDevice() calls for serial device only
* 1> IOpatch -p ;Check OpenDevice() calls for parallel device only
* 1> IOpatch -q ;Replaces previous vector for OpenDevice() calls.
* 1> IOpatch ? ;Prints these instructions
* OpenDevice() will use the either:
* the serial.device or the newser.device
* the parallel.device or the eightbit.device
* with the proper unit number depending on which device was to have been
* opened, and what the user selected from the requester.
* There is one complication: I noticed during testing that most term
* programs open and close the serial.device several times during their
* startup routines. This is rather stupid of them, of course, and it
* unfortunately results in many redundant requesters.
* This version tries its best to avoid this problem by keeping track of
* tasks that have opened the serial/parallel device and re-using
* previously specified (by the user via the requester) unit number.
* One last note: this program copies itself into dynamically allocated
* memory, so the user does not have to "run" it.
******************************* tear here ***********************************
;Set Tabs | | | |
ifnd __m68
fail 'Wrong assembler!'
macfile 'Includes:IOexp.i' ;The One & Only include file
objfile 'IOpatch'
Dispatcher moveq #-1,d2 ;serflag default
moveq #-1,d3 ;parflag default
moveq #0,d6 ;quit flag default
moveq #0,d5 ;Clear WBenchMsg
movea.l (SysBase).w,a6
movea.l (ThisTask,a6),a2
tst.l (pr_CLI,a2) ;Are we a child of WBench?
bne.b FromCLI ;Branch if no
lea (pr_MsgPort,a2),a0
SYS WaitPort
lea (pr_MsgPort,a2),a0
SYS GetMsg
move.l d0,d5 ;WBenchMsg
bra.w SetPatch ;No args from WBench
FromCLI lea (a0,d0.w),a1
.. cmpi.b #' ',-(a1) ;Eat trailing garbage
dbhi d0,..
blt.b SetPatch ;If no arguments, don't parse
clr.b (1,a1) ;Null terminate the string
Parse moveq #0,d0
move.b (a0)+,d0
beq.b SetPatch ;Null ends
cmpi.b #' ',d0 ;Skip spaces
beq.b Parse
cmpi.b #'?',d0 ;Instruct?
beq.b 4$ ;"Usage:..."
cmpi.b #'-',d0 ;Look for "-" char
bne.b Parse ;Skip til we find one
move.b (a0)+,d0 ;Get next char
beq.b SetPatch ;Null ends
cmpi.b #'a',d0 ;Convert to U/C
blo.s 1$
cmpi.b #'z',d0
bhi.s 1$
subi.b #$20,d0
1$ cmpi.b #'A',d0 ;[A]ll
bne.b 2$
seq d2 ;serflag
seq d3 ;parflag
bra.b SetPatch
2$ cmpi.b #'S',d0 ;[S]erial only
bne.b 3$
seq d2 ;serflag
sne d3 ;parflag
bra.b SetPatch
3$ cmpi.b #'P',d0 ;[P]arallel only
bne.b 4$
sne d2 ;serflag
seq d3 ;parflag
bra.b SetPatch
4$ cmpi.b #'Q',d0 ;[Q]uit
bne.w Instruct
seq d6 ;quit flag
;Note that multitasking is disabled (via Forbid) throughout the install
;code for 100% safety.
;First, check to see whether this program has been run before.
SetPatch lea (serflag,pc),a0
move.b d2,(a0)
lea (parflag,pc),a0
move.b d3,(a0)
movea.l (SysBase).w,a6
SYS Forbid
lea (portname,pc),a1
SYS FindPort
move.l d0,d2
tst.l d2
bne.b installed ;Go if already installed
;Not installed, so allocate memory and copy
move.l #enddispatchcode-startdispatchcode,d7
move.l d7,d0
moveq #0,d1 ;No special attributes
SYS AllocMem
tst.l d0
bne.b allocok
panic tst.l d5 ;WBenchMsg
beq.b 1$
movea.l d5,a1 ;We're already forbidden
SYS ReplyMsg ;Return msg
bra.b 2$
1$ SYS Permit
2$ moveq #-1,d0
allocok movea.l d0,a5
movea.l d0,a1
lea (startdispatchcode,pc),a0
move.l d7,d0
SYS CopyMem
lea (panic,pc),a4
jmp (a5) ;Go to startdispatchcode
installed tst.b d6 ;Go if already installed
beq.b quitdispatch ;& quit flag set
;Remove the patch (port addr in d2)
movea.l d2,a2
movea.l (MP_SIZE,a2),a3 ;Get start addr of res code
lea (newopendevice-startdispatchcode,a3),a4 ;Get addr of replacement
cmpa.l (_LVOOpenDevice+2,a6),a4 ;Still there?
bne.b panic ;No, so can't deinstall
lea (newremtask-startdispatchcode,a3),a4 ;Get addr of replacement
cmpa.l (_LVORemTask+2,a6),a4 ;Still there?
bne.b panic ;No, so can't deinstall
move.l (oldopenvec-startdispatchcode,a3),d0
movea.w #_LVOOpenDevice,a0
movea.l a6,a1
SYS SetFunction
move.l (oldremtask-startdispatchcode,a3),d0
movea.w #_LVORemTask,a0
movea.l a6,a1
SYS SetFunction
movea.l a2,a1 ;Deallocate memory etc.
SYS RemPort
moveq #MP_SIZE+4,d0
movea.l a2,a1
SYS FreeMem ;Free message port
move.l #enddispatchcode-startdispatchcode,d0
movea.l a3,a1
SYS FreeMem ;Free the code
quitdispatch tst.l d5 ;WBenchMsg
beq.b 1$
movea.l d5,a1 ;We're already forbidden
SYS ReplyMsg ;Return msg
bra.b 2$
1$ SYS Permit
2$ moveq #0,d0
Instruct tst.l d5 ;WBenchMsg
beq.b .OpenDos
addq.b #1,(TDNestCnt,a6) ;Forbid so WBench won't
movea.l d5,a1 ; UnloadSeg() us
SYS ReplyMsg ;Return msg
bra.b .Exit
.OpenDos lea (DosName,pc),a1
moveq #0,d0
SYS OpenLibrary ;Open dos.library
tst.l d0
beq.b .Exit ;Failed!
move.l a6,-(sp)
movea.l d0,a6
SYS Output ;Get output filehandle
move.l d0,d1 ;Filehandle
beq.b .CloseDos
lea (Help.msg,pc),a0
move.l a0,d2 ;Buffer
move.l #Help_Len,d3 ;Length
SYS Write ;Help the user
.CloseDos movea.l a6,a1
movea.l (sp)+,a6
SYS CloseLibrary ;Close the dos.library
.Exit moveq #0,d0
;***** All the following code is copied into dynamically allocated mem
;Add a port to indicate that we're installed
;Allocate memory for the port
startdispatchcode moveq #MP_SIZE+4,d0 ;MsgPort+4 bytes of private info
moveq #1,d1
swap d1 ;CLEAR parm
SYS AllocMem
tst.l d0
bne.b somememleft
move.l d7,d0 ;Uh oh. The poor user is out of memory.
move.l a4,-(sp) ;Return addr
movea.l a5,a1
jmp (_LVOFreeMem,a6) ;RTS takes us back to 'panic'
somememleft movea.l d0,a1
lea (portname,pc),a0
move.l a0,(LN_NAME,a1)
move.l a5,(MP_SIZE,a1) ;Private info - addr of res code
SYS AddPort
movea.w #_LVOOpenDevice,a0 ;Patch into OpenDevice
movea.l a6,a1
lea (newopendevice,pc),a2
move.l a2,d0
SYS SetFunction
lea (oldopenvec,pc),a0
move.l d0,(a0)
movea.w #_LVORemTask,a0 ;Patch into RemTask
movea.l a6,a1
lea (newremtask,pc),a2
move.l a2,d0
SYS SetFunction
lea (oldremtask,pc),a0
move.l d0,(a0)
tst.l d5 ;WBenchMsg
beq.b 1$
movea.l d5,a1 ;We're already forbidden
SYS ReplyMsg ;Return msg
bra.b 2$
1$ SYS Permit
2$ moveq #0,d0
;*** NOTE: A zero TCB (in A1) indicates self removal !!!!
;(this little fact nearly drove me nuts during debugging!)
move.l a1,d0
bne.b .L2
move.l a1,-(sp)
SYS FindTask
movea.l (sp)+,a1
.L2 move.l a1,-(sp)
SYS Forbid
movea.l (sp)+,a1
lea (sertasklist,pc),a0
.. cmp.l (a0)+,d0
addq.l #2,a0
dbeq d1,..
bne.b .L1
clr.l (-6,a0)
lea (partasklist,pc),a0
.. cmp.l (a0)+,d0
addq.l #2,a0
dbeq d1,..
bne.b .L3
clr.l (-6,a0)
move.l a1,-(sp)
SYS Permit
movea.l (sp)+,a1
movea.l (oldremtask,pc),a0
jmp (a0)
newopendevice movem.l d6-d7/a2-a5,-(sp)
suba.l a5,a5 ;Sanity check
tst.l d0 ;Check unit number
bne oldopenjump ;If nonzero, skip menu
lea (serunitexists,pc),a4
lea (serflag,pc),a2
tst.b (a2)+ ;Want to check serial device?
beq.b 1$ ;Branch if no
movea.l a0,a3
.. cmpm.b (a2)+,(a3)+
bne.b 1$
tst.b (-1,a2)
bne.b ..
lea (newserialname,pc),a5
moveq #0,d5
bra.b 2$
1$ lea (parflag,pc),a2
tst.b (a2)+ ;Want to check parallel device?
beq.b 2$ ;Branch if no
movea.l a0,a3
.. cmpm.b (a2)+,(a3)+
bne.w nogood
tst.b (-1,a2)
bne.b ..
lea (newparallelname,pc),a5
moveq #1,d5
addq.w #4,a4 ;Point to parunitexists
;One last check: if this task has previously opened either the serial.device
;or the parallel.device, use the same unit number (stored in tasklist) rather
;than bothering the user.
2$ cmpa.l #0,a5 ;Sanity check
beq nogood ;User has disabled both flags!
movem.l d0/d1/a0/a1,-(sp)
move.l (ThisTask,a6),d6
SYS Forbid
moveq #15,d7
lea (sertasklist,pc),a2
tst.l d5
beq.b .skippar
lea (partasklist,pc),a2
.. cmp.l (a2)+,d6
addq.l #2,a2
dbeq d7,..
bne.b popup
SYS Permit
movem.l (sp)+,d0/d1/a0/a1
moveq #0,d0
move.w (-2,a2),d0
bra.b skipmenu
popup SYS Permit
movem.l (sp)+,d0/d1/a0/a1
;pop up a menu
move.l (a4),d0 ;serunitexists/parunitexists
movem.l d1-d7/a0-a6,-(sp)
bsr SelWin ;Get input from the user
movem.l (sp)+,d1-d7/a0-a6
tst.l d0 ;Ok?
bpl.b contdisp
;The user is out of memory; signal an error
moveq #-1,d0
move.b d0,(IO_ERROR,a1) ;Set error in the IO Request
bra.b endnewopen
;store the TCB ptr and the unit# in tasklist for future use
;search for an empty slot
movem.l d0/d1/a0/a1,-(sp)
SYS Forbid
lea (sertasklist,pc),a2
tst.l d5
beq.b .skippar
lea (partasklist,pc),a2
.. tst.l (a2)+
addq.w #2,a2
dbeq d7,..
bne.b oldtask ;Full! (not likely to happen)
SYS Permit
movem.l (sp)+,d0/d1/a0/a1
move.l d6,(-6,a2)
move.w d0,(-2,a2)
bra.b skipmenu
SYS Permit
movem.l (sp)+,d0/d1/a0/a1
tst.l d0
beq.b oldopenjump ;If zero, use std device
subq.l #1,d0
oldtask1 movea.l a5,a0 ;newserialname/newparallelname
oldopenjump movea.l (oldopenvec,pc),a3
jsr (a3)
endnewopen movem.l (sp)+,d6-d7/a2-a5
oldopenvec dl 0
oldremtask dl 0
;These variables should be set by the code that checks for the presence
;of units 3 and 4. Right now, they're hard-coded to say that they exist.
serunitexists dl 1
parunitexists dl 1
;Note: TASKTABLESIZE entries, arranged like so:
;Ptr to TCB (longword)
;Unit number (word)
portname cstr 'IOExp dispatcher V1.10 ©1990 by Dan Babcock *INSTALLED*'
serflag db $FF ;Default = ON
oldserialname cstr 'serial.device'
newserialname MYDEVNAME
parflag db $FF ;Default = ON
oldparallelname cstr 'parallel.device'
newparallelname PARDEVNAME
DosName cstr 'dos.library'
Help.msg db 'I/O Expansion Dispatcher V1.10 ©1990 by Dan Babcock',10
db 'Usage:',10,10
db ' IOpatch ;Check OpenDevice() calls for serial & parallel device',10
db ' IOpatch -a ;Check OpenDevice() calls for serial & parallel device',10
db ' IOpatch -s ;Check OpenDevice() calls for serial device only',10
db ' IOpatch -p ;Check OpenDevice() calls for parallel device only',10
db ' IOpatch -q ;Replaces previous vector for OpenDevice() calls.',10
db ' IOpatch ? ;Prints these instructions',10,0
Help_Len equ *-Help.msg
* SelectWindow - Get the users preference for which unit to open.
* SelectWindow (UnitExits)
* D0 D0
* LONG UnitExists;
* UnitExists - Non-zero if units 2 and 3 exist, else 0.
* A value of 0 if the user didn't select a unit and simply hit the close
* gadget (unit number then defaults to 0).
* -> A value of zero is also returned if the user selects the "Internal"
* -> gadget, indicating that he wants to use "serial.device" rather than
* -> "newser.device", or "parallel.device" rather than "eightbit.device".
* A value of 1-4 is returned if the user has selected a unit.
* A return value of -1 indicates that an error has occured.
* SelectWindow is both relocatable, and reentrant.
* SelectWindow is Copyright ©1990 by The Puzzle Factory
******************************* tear here ***********************************
MyBase clrso ;BSS structure
Gfx_Base so.l 1
Int_Base so.l 1
FontPtr so.l 1
ScreenPtr so.l 1
HiresFlag so.b 1
LaceFlag so.b 1
MyWindow so.b nw_SIZE
Gadget0 so.b gg_SIZEOF
Gadget1 so.b gg_SIZEOF
Gadget2 so.b gg_SIZEOF
Gadget3 so.b gg_SIZEOF
Gadget4 so.b gg_SIZEOF
Gad0.ITxt so.b it_SIZEOF
Gad1.ITxt so.b it_SIZEOF
Gad2.ITxt so.b it_SIZEOF
Gad3.ITxt so.b it_SIZEOF
Gad4.ITxt so.b it_SIZEOF
MyBorder so.b bd_SIZEOF
MyCoords so.w 10
Border0 so.b bd_SIZEOF
Coords0 so.w 10
Text_Attr so.b ta_SIZEOF
MB_Sizeof soval
SelWin move.l d0,d3 ;UnitExists
moveq #0,d7 ;Default = Nothing
move.l #MB_Sizeof,d0
movea.l (SysBase).w,a6
SYS AllocMem
tst.l d0
bne.b 1$
subq.l #1,d0 ;Return -1 for error
1$ movea.l d0,a5 ;Our relative base
lea (GfxName,pc),a1 ;Open graphics.library
moveq #33,d0
SYS OpenLibrary
move.l d0,(Gfx_Base,a5)
beq Error
lea (IntName,pc),a1 ;Open intuition.library
moveq #33,d0
SYS OpenLibrary
move.l d0,(Int_Base,a5)
beq Error
movea.l d0,a6
lea (Text_Attr,a5),a1
lea (FontName,pc),a0
move.l a0,(ta_Name,a1)
move.w #8,(ta_YSize,a1)
move.b #FS_NORMAL,(ta_Style,a1)
move.b #FPF_ROMFONT,(ta_Flags,a1)
movea.l (ib_ActiveScreen,a6),a0 ;Get active screen
move.l a0,(ScreenPtr,a5)
move.w (sc_Width,a0),d0
cmpi.w #352,d0 ;Check horz resolution
sge (HiresFlag,a5)
btst #2,(sc_ViewPort+vp_Modes+1,a0)
sne (LaceFlag,a5)
lea (MyBorder,a5),a1 ;Setup default border
lea (Border0,a5),a2
clr.l (a1)+ ;bd_LeftEdge,bd_TopEdge
clr.l (a2)+ ;bd_LeftEdge,bd_TopEdge
move.l #$01000005,d0 ;bd_FrontPen,bd_BackPen,bd_DrawMode,bd_Count
move.l d0,(a1)+
move.l d0,(a2)+
lea (MyCoords,a5),a0
move.l a0,(a1)+ ;bd_XY
lea (Coords0,a5),a0
move.l a0,(a2)+ ;bd_XY
lea (Gadget0,a5),a4
lea (Gad0.ITxt,a5),a3
lea (GadText.tbl,pc),a2
tst.b (HiresFlag,a5)
bne.b 3$
lea (LoresText.tbl,pc),a2
3$ moveq #0,d2
4$ lea (gg_SIZEOF,a4),a0
move.l a0,(a4)+ ;gg_NextGadget
moveq #7,d0 ;0,1,3: LeftEdge=7
tst.w d2 ;0
beq.b 5$
btst #0,d2 ;Even or Odd?
bne.b 5$
moveq #55,d0 ;2,4: LeftEdge=55
5$ tst.b (HiresFlag,a5)
beq.b 6$
add.w d0,d0
6$ move.w d0,(a4)+ ;gg_LeftEdge
moveq #18,d0 ;0: TopEdge=18
tst.w d2
beq.b 7$
addi.w #22,d0 ;1,2: TopEdge=40
cmpi.w #3,d2
blt.b 7$
addi.w #22,d0 ;3,4: TopEdge=62
7$ tst.b (LaceFlag,a5)
beq.b 8$
add.w d0,d0
8$ move.w d0,(a4)+ ;gg_TopEdge
moveq #40,d0 ;LORES
tst.w d2 ;Gadget 0 only
bne.b 18$
addq.w #4,d0
add.w d0,d0
18$ tst.b (HiresFlag,a5)
beq.b 9$
add.w d0,d0 ;HIRES
9$ move.w d0,(a4)+ ;gg_Width
lea (MyCoords,a5),a0
tst.w d2
bne.b 19$
lea (Coords0,a5),a0 ;Gadget 0 only
19$ move.w d0,(4,a0) ;X border coords
move.w d0,(8,a0)
move.w #18,d0 ;NORMAL
tst.b (LaceFlag,a5)
beq.b 10$
add.w d0,d0 ;LACE
10$ move.w d0,(a4)+ ;gg_Height
lea (MyCoords,a5),a0
tst.w d2
bne.b 20$
lea (Coords0,a5),a0 ;Gadget 0 only
20$ move.w d0,(10,a0) ;Y border coords
move.w d0,(14,a0)
move.w #GADGHCOMP,(a4)+ ;gg_Flags
move.w #GADGIMMEDIATE,(a4)+ ;gg_Activation
move.w #BOOLGADGET,(a4)+ ;gg_GadgetType
lea (MyBorder,a5),a0
tst.w d2
bne.b 21$
lea (Border0,a5),a0 ;Gadget 0 only
21$ move.l a0,(a4)+ ;gg_GadgetRender
addq.w #4,a4 ;gg_SelectRender
move.l a3,(a4)+ ;gg_GadgetText
addq.w #8,a4 ;gg_MutualExclude,gg_SpecialInfo
move.w d2,(a4)+ ;gg_GadgetID
addq.w #4,a4 ;gg_UserData
move.l #$01000000,(a3)+ ;it_FrontPen,it_BackPen,it_DrawMode
moveq #16,d0 ;Gad1-4/HIRES=16
tst.w d2
bne.b 23$
tst.b (HiresFlag,a5) ;Gadget 0 only
beq.b 22$
add.w d0,d0
add.w d0,d0 ;Gad0/HIRES=64
bra.b 11$
22$ addq.w #4,d0 ;Gad0/LORES=20
bra.b 11$
23$ tst.b (HiresFlag,a5) ;Gadgets 1-4
bne.b 11$
subq.w #4,d0 ;Gad1-4/LORES=12
11$ move.w d0,(a3)+ ;it_LeftEdge
moveq #14,d0
tst.b (LaceFlag,a5)
bne.b 12$
subq.w #8,d0
12$ move.w d0,(a3)+ ;it_TopEdge
lea (Text_Attr,a5),a0
move.l a0,(a3)+ ;it_TextFont
move.l a2,(a3)+ ;it_Text
addq.w #4,a3 ;it_NextText
addq.w #7,a2 ;Next text
addq.w #1,d2 ;Next gadget
cmpi.w #4,d2 ;All the gadgets done?
ble.w 4$
clr.l (Gadget4,a5) ;gg_NextGadget
lea (Gadget0,a5),a0
ori.w #SELECTED,(gg_Flags,a0)
tst.l d3 ;Units 2 & 3 exist?
bne.b 13$ ;Branch if yes
move.w #GADGDISABLED,d0 ;Else, disable gadgets
lea (Gadget3,a5),a0
or.w d0,(gg_Flags,a0)
lea (Gadget4,a5),a0
or.w d0,(gg_Flags,a0)
13$ lea (MyWindow,a5),a0
movea.l (ScreenPtr,a5),a2 ;Get active screen
move.l a2,(nw_Screen,a0) ;
move.w #103,d0 ;LORES = 103
tst.b (HiresFlag,a5)
beq.b 14$
add.w d0,d0 ;HIRES = 206
14$ move.w d0,(nw_Width,a0)
move.w (sc_Width,a2),d1
lsr.w #1,d1 ;Screen width / 2
lsr.w #1,d0 ;Window width / 2
sub.w d0,d1
move.w d1,(a0) ;nw_LeftEdge
move.w #88,d0 ;NORMAL = 88
tst.b (LaceFlag,a5)
beq.b 15$
add.w d0,d0 ;LACE = 176
15$ move.w d0,(nw_Height,a0)
move.w (sc_Height,a2),d1
lsr.w #1,d1 ;Screen height / 2
lsr.w #1,d0 ;Window height / 2
sub.w d0,d1
move.w d1,(nw_TopEdge,a0)
move.b #-1,(nw_DetailPen,a0)
move.b #-1,(nw_BlockPen,a0)
move.l #MyFeatures!MyGadgets,(nw_Flags,a0)
lea (Gadget0,a5),a1
move.l a1,(nw_FirstGadget,a0)
lea (WindowTitle,pc),a1
tst.b (HiresFlag,a5)
bne.b 16$
lea (LoresTitle,pc),a1
16$ move.l a1,(nw_Title,a0)
move.w (sc_Flags,a2),d0
andi.w #%00001111,d0
move.w d0,(nw_Type,a0)
SYS OpenWindow ;Open window
movea.l d0,a3 ;Save window pointer
tst.l d0
beq.b Error
movea.l (Gfx_Base,a5),a6
lea (Text_Attr,pc),a0
SYS OpenFont
move.l d0,(FontPtr,a5)
beq.b 17$
movea.l d0,a0
movea.l (wd_RPort,a3),a1
SYS SetFont
17$ moveq #0,d6 ;Close flag
bsr.b MainLoop
bra.b Cleanup
* Termination section *
Error subq.l #1,d7
Cleanup move.l (Gfx_Base,a5),d2
beq.b 2$
move.l (FontPtr,a5),d0
beq.b 1$
movea.l d0,a1
movea.l d2,a6
SYS CloseFont
1$ movea.l d2,a1
movea.l (SysBase).w,a6
SYS CloseLibrary
2$ move.l (Int_Base,a5),d2
beq.b 4$
move.l a3,d0
beq.b 3$
movea.l d0,a0
movea.l d2,a6
SYS CloseWindow
3$ movea.l d2,a1
movea.l (SysBase).w,a6
SYS CloseLibrary
4$ movea.l a5,a1
move.l #MB_Sizeof,d0
movea.l (SysBase).w,a6
SYS FreeMem
move.l d7,d0 ;0-4, or -1 if error.
* Main Execution Loop *
MainLoop tst.w d6 ;Flag set?
beq.b 1$
rts ;Exit
1$ movea.l (wd_UserPort,a3),a0
moveq #0,d0
moveq #0,d1
move.b (MP_SIGBIT,a0),d1
bset d1,d0
movea.l (SysBase).w,a6
SYS Wait ;Now wait for a message
GetIMsg movea.l (wd_UserPort,a3),a0
SYS GetMsg
tst.l d0
beq.b MainLoop
movea.l d0,a1
move.l (im_Class,a1),d2
movea.l (im_IAddress,a1),a2
SYS ReplyMsg
cmpi.l #CLOSEWINDOW,d2
bne.b CheckGads
moveq #-1,d6
bra.b GetIMsg
CheckGads cmpi.w #GADGETDOWN,d2 ;Someone clicked on a gadget
bne.b 1$ ;Unknown class
moveq #0,d7
move.w (gg_GadgetID,a2),d7 ;ID = Unit number
lea (Gadget0,a5),a1 ;1st gadget in group
moveq #5,d0 ;# of gadgets in group
bsr.b MutualExclude
1$ bra.b GetIMsg
* NAME: MutualExclude()
* FUNCTION: Performs a MutualExclude function for Boolean gadgets.
* INPUTS: A3 = Window
* A2 = Currently selected gadget
* A1 = 1st gadget in group
* D0 = NumGads
* RETURN: None
* SCRATCH: D0-D1/A0-A1
MutualExclude move.l a6,-(sp)
movea.l (Int_Base,a5),a6
movem.l d0/a1,-(sp)
movea.l a3,a0 ;Window
SYS RemoveGList
move.l d0,d4 ;Position
movem.l (sp),d1/a1
bra.b 3$
1$ cmp.w (gg_GadgetID,a1),d7 ;Is this the current gadget?
seq d2 ;D2 = 1 if TRUE
btst #7,(gg_Flags+1,a1) ;Currently selected?
sne d3 ;D3 = 1 if TRUE
eor.b d2,d3
beq.b 2$
bchg #7,(gg_Flags+1,a1) ;Toggle the select flag
2$ movea.l (a1),a1 ;gg_NextGadget
3$ dbra d1,1$
bsr.b ClearScreen
movea.l a3,a0 ;Window
move.l d4,d0 ;Position
movem.l (sp),d1/a1 ;NumGads/Gadget
SYS AddGList
movea.l a3,a1 ;Window
movem.l (sp)+,d0/a0 ;NumGads/Gadget
SYS RefreshGList
movea.l (sp)+,a6
ClearScreen movem.l a2/a6,-(sp)
movea.l (Gfx_Base,a5),a6
movea.l (wd_RPort,a3),a2
moveq #0,d0
movea.l a2,a1
moveq #4,d0 ;Xmin
moveq #14,d1 ;Ymin
moveq #0,d2
move.w (wd_Width,a3),d2
subq.w #4,d2 ;Xmax
moveq #0,d3
move.w (wd_Height,a3),d3
subq.w #4,d3 ;Ymax
movea.l a2,a1
SYS RectFill
moveq #1,d0
movea.l a2,a1
movem.l (sp)+,a2/a6
Notice cstr 'SelectWindow ©1990 by The Puzzle Factory',10
GfxName cstr 'graphics.library'
IntName cstr 'intuition.library'
FontName cstr 'topaz.font'
WindowTitle cstr 'Select Unit:'
LoresTitle cstr 'Sel Unit:'
GadText.tbl cstr 'Unit 0'
cstr 'Unit 1'
cstr 'Unit 2'
cstr 'Unit 3'
cstr 'Unit 4'
LoresText.tbl cstr 'Unit 0'
cstr 'U1',0,0,0,0
cstr 'U2',0,0,0,0
cstr 'U3',0,0,0,0
cstr 'U4',0,0,0,0
enddispatchcode end